
Nov 19, 2003 21:25

If five of you fill this out...then I'll.. do something, I dunno. Just please do it :) I love you.

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thewayshesings November 19 2003, 19:21:22 UTC
(1) Am I crazy? Iiiiii'mm a llama, I'm a llama, I'm a llama, I'm a llama!

(2) Am I funny? Hells yeah.

(3) Am I psycho? When we're on the phone, I think we're Psycho.

(4) Am I daring? It depends.

(5) Am I A good person? Yuhuh.

******Would you******

(6) Hug Me? Well duh.

(7) Miss me if I was gone for ever? Yes! ;____; Katie-Pandaaa! Never go away 4evah!

(8) Hug me if I cried? Yesss...

(9) Be a good friend? Well who else could you call that would make fun of your accent?

******How well do you know me? ******

(10) When's my birthday? ...Is it..Sometime in March? Or is that David...

(11) How old am I? 13? <.<

(12) What school do I go to? Some crazy Southern school with a creepy Librarian and people who say "Wrasslin'"

(13) Do I have any siblings? You have at least 1 sister.

(14) Who Is My most current ex? Uhm. That I'm not sure of.

(15) Who Is My best friend? ME. It had better be me.

(16) Favourite colour? ...*makes it yellow* You can never be sad in a yellow room!

(17) Lucky number? 32.

(18) What is my worst subject? Math!

(19) Best subject? I don't know. Heathy.

(20) Favourite animal? Panda!? PANDAAAAA!!

(21) Favourite sport? ...Hm. I say it's Basketball.

(22) Favourite TV show? ...*looks around* The Katie Goes To Canada show.

(23) Favourite song/songs? Something by Tee and Ess?

(24) Favourite music group? ...Sleepless In Tokyo *wags fist*

******Who Am I******

(25) What TV star do I most remind you of? Katie, from Katie Goes To Canada.

(26) What song would you dedicate to me/Or what Song makes you think of me? Something involving backing that ass up.

(27) What famous person do I most resemble? Me..?

******If you could...******

(28) Give me a new name it would Be? Karl.

(29) Hook Me up with someone (real) who would it Be? ..Umm... Welll... JOEL. Because he's your Azn pimp.

(30) Do one thing with me it would be? Eat Poutine.

******Just A few questions******

(31) What do you love about me? Your accent. =3

(32) What do you hate about me (seriously)? That you live so far away.

(33) What is my best quality? That you're so cute and care as much as a Katie could.

(34) If you could change one thing about me what would it be? That I'd adopt you and you'd live in Canadia.


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