Reading a lot of Avatar: Last Airbender slash mainly comprises of Zuko taking it like a man (or a very muscular teenager) from Jet, Sokka, Aang and, possibly, from his father, his uncle and Chief Hakoda of the Water Tribe (this is actually meant to be a weird slash story and does pretty well in using the pairing to be as mind-fucked as it sounds). Oh, and the Earth King once. Yes. Ahem. Anyway! Leaving aside Zuko as the common denominator of all Avatar slash pairings, the main slash pairing is obvious Zuko/ Sokka.
Because Jet dies and Aang is twelve. Which would be creepy. Though later-in-life Zukaang is kind of cute. Totally not happening, but kind of cute.
ANYWAY! Leaving all that aside. Given that the main slash pairing is Zuko/ Sokka, one of the many tropes used in Zukka or SoZu slash fics (yes, let me introduce you to the portmanteaus) is the difference in skin colour. Sokka is dark skinned. Which makes for a lovely contrast with Zuko who is fair skinned.
And this becomes important because.... dun dun DDUUUUNNNN! They totally reverse this in the movie. Sokka is white in the movie. He is played by a white dude who looks like he's supposed to be an extra in the 'Twilight' saga and Zuko is played by Dev Patel, who is a good actor playing a good part in what might possibly be a failed production. Dev Patel, as you can imagine is not white. He is, in fact, dark skinned, and looks a lot like the kind of actor you would cast as Sokka if you were trying to be true to the character you are creating.
Case in point:
See? Is this the face of a guy who would fry your head? Well, no because that would be Prince Pouty here:
May I say, though, that I really, really, really hate the fact that they totally betrayed the hairstyles of two of the most important characters in this movie. Zuko's supposed to have a shaved head and a high... ponytail, for lack of a better word. Here, have a pic and see for yourself:
And Aang is supposed to have plain blue arrow tattoos. Not mystical symbols and runes that form the shape of an arrow, with a massive ass celtic cross on his back, but just a plain blue arrow. And his back has to be bare because (spoiler) he's got to get shot in the back by Zuko's little sister and then have a huge scar that will, at the end, be matched by a similar scar on Zuko's chest. That's right- this is a matched set and forms a pretty picture when cuddling occurs between these two characters in those later-in-life slash fics that make Zukaang so darned cute. Like turtleducks. Or baby mooselion cubs.
But yes. Total colour shift. Not a bad thing but now I want movie-verse slash! And THERE ISN'T ANY!!!