Alright, What's Next?

Mar 19, 2010 14:10

I just came back from an interview.

I was hired on the spot.

Earlier this week I got a call out of the blue from a guy who saw my resume on They were looking for someone localish and liked the look of what I had. So we set up an interview for today. The company is really small, but has been doing consistently rising business for the past few years. They do ads for supermarkets and local businesses and such and have been slowly expanding. ( The owner seems to understand how to manage a design studio - perhaps a touch better than previous owners of design studios that I've known... *cough cough* The work doesn't look too difficult, I think it'll be a good fit for me. I think they were keen to hire me before I walked in the door, and just wanted to make sure that I would fit their office atmosphere and wasn't an ax-murderer or something. He said, “I probably shouldn't even say this, but we really wanted someone with your skills, but who also goes with what we have here. We're all pretty much friendly around here.” I told them that I was one of the least drama-filled people I know. They asked when I could start and I in turn asked them, “What time is it?” That earned me some smiles. So I guess they liked my attitude. Now I just have to deliver the goods.

The commute is kinda longish, and I haven't tried it with morning traffic yet. It's up the Parkway. However, I do get to cross the Tappan Zee Bridge into New York, which has a lovely view. The office is in Tarrytown, NY. It's a couple towns away from Sleepy Hollow. Yes, THAT Sleepy Hollow.

I am going to be working hourly for three months, so they can determine whether or not I am a good fit for the company. Then it's on to a full time wage and full paid benefits. The money is not stellar, but it's far better than what my unemployment pays. And, you know, I don't feel as much like a useless lump. Their hours are 8:30am-5pm, but they promised that sometimes they have to stay late. That's okay by me.

They use Macs mostly, which I can adapt back to (since I use a PC here at home). Right now they mostly have CS3, but he is working towards upgrading to CS4 shortly. Apparently they have very busy days, which suits me fine. No one likes to be bored at work.

One of the women who hired me looks like a very young Jodie Foster. It took an effort of will not to refer to her as Clarice and ask her if she could still hear the lambs.

Those are the basics.

So... to once again quote the best fictional President that these United States of America have ever never known, President Josiah Bartlett... “What's next?”


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