
Sep 07, 2012 18:42

Can anyone help me wrap my brain around trying to use Github for contributing to MODX? It's pretty sad that I've probably patched half the reported bugs in the thing myself but can't figure out how to submit them...

Here's their starting instructions:

I got a Github account and downloaded the appropriate software.
I forked the MODX Revolution project into my account.
I cloned that locally.
I added the "upstream" remote.

So I now have a copy of the code, along with a _build directory and a .git directory. Here's where I'm stuck. How do I work on the code?

I know it involves checking out and merging code, but I can't find the "for dummies" in-between part. MODX runs on a web server. If I configure Apache on my own computer to point to this directory and install MODX, then it'll add new directories to what I've downloaded. If I'm working on a feature, how do I point the browser at that specific version of the code?

And what's the protocol for submitting things? I added a small feature last night (that people have been asking for for two years - it was two lines of code!) but in doing so, I found a bug that required adding the entire section of code to a second file. Is it best to add the old version of the code and submit that as a fix, then add my new feature to my bug-fixed version as a separate submission?

It's been years since I've used versioning software and even then, it didn't work like this. I do find it funny that I'm trying to do something as awesome as patch core files for a huge, established CMS project, but I feel like I'm back at "intro to computing" as far as actually submitting code changes...

Anyone able to hold my hand a bit?

Edit: Ok, this provides a bit more info:

Guess this is the point where I try it an see what happens... (I'm not even sure what to call these branches. "In which I fix the bug where form customization constraints are ignored for template variables" seems a bit clunky. :-p Maybe I should find a big report first? I know this is tied-in with their bug-tracking site somehow...) The more I look at this, the more confused I'm getting. Can't I just patch the code and email it to someone? *shakes head* I wanna be a big girl coder, dammit! Help?


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