Sep 15, 2006 18:53
I had a chicken soup for the teachers soul moment today. It felt pretty good too, considering ive only been teaching for a year. So here goes:
I tutored the 4th and 5th grade bilingual kids last year for the FCAT's. I had this one boy in my class who drove me nuts! He was disrespectful, and all he did was whine and complain about being in tutoring. One day i noticed he did pretty well with his reading compared to the other kids. Ofcourse, he never volunteered answers, but i would call on him anyway, and he would give me the correct answer. I would always praise him in hopes that maybe his attitude would change, and he would build up his self esteem. Well time went by, and he calmed down a little. Today he comes up to me and tells me "I passed my FCAT's!" I said "Good! I'm proud of you! See, all that complaining you did about going to tutoring, but i bet it helped you out a little." He said "A little? It helped me out alot! Now I'm in a regular class I'm not in the bilingual class anymore!" Then, he asked "Are you gonna tutor this year?" I told him "Probably not, but i might sub." He said "Well if you do, then please come tutor the 5th graders." I couldn't stop telling him how proud i was of him! That is why i love my job.
Soooooo in conclusion:
To all of those that doubt my career choice, fuck you! When you make a difference in someones life in a positive way, then come talk to me. You can also come talk to me when you get a degree, and you aren't someones secretary bitch. Let's face it, it doesn't take much talent to be a secretary. I teach my kids how to read, write, do math, and work as a team. I teach them how to speak properly. I do my best to be there for them since already at the age of 6, they've seen and been through more than most. I sure as hell don't record children saying stupid things and put it up on the internet. I can express my feelings of hatred/dislike on my own. I don't need my friends or a child in my family to do it for me. Oh, and when you are typing about how stupid someone is, and how you don't understand how the school system would let them teach, then try to use proper grammar and punctuation. In the end it just shows how ignorant you really are. Then again, maybe that's why you couldn't make it through college. I guess Native Americans are smarter than most people think.
Is it easy to sit behind a computer screen and type this? Yes. However, I don't type anything I wouldn't have a problem saying to someones face if it came down to it. Oh, and if I recall, none of you idiots have ever made an attempt to say or do anything face to face either. I guess it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Three of you however, have sent me messages on myspace trying to "squash this shit". There is no shit to squash. I don't like you, you don't like me. Is it that difficult to understand? I mean I know some of you don't have much of an education, but I'm pretty sure this is something that most kids learn in elementary school. It's called life.
So on that note, I would like to say this is it for me I'm done, but I'm sure everyone in your circle has their fair share of things to say. I've been advised by everyone I care about to just leave it alone and not say anything more, since it is obvious that you all need the drama in your life and will do anything to keep it going. Unfortunately, I have no shame to say, I'm too proud for that shit. It's just part of my character. A character I built through life experiences. It may not be the best, and it may suck, but it's me. I don't expect anyone to like it, which is why I understand when I am disliked. I am well aware of all my faults, and have never thought more of myself than what I am. This is why I am not in denial. Some of you should work on that.
Yes, I actually do have people that care about me. Are you ready for this? There is life outside of Miami. I promise. There is actually people all around the world. I have my tribe and others that care, but I'm not gonna sit here and defend that, because that would be more of a waste of my time than this whole entry already is.
Kudos to your Scarface rip off about squashing me like a little cock roach. I love that movie. I even imagined you saying it with the accent. It's the funniest mental picture I've had in a while.
To all the people that had soooo much to say about me, who don't even know me or weren't even involved in all this shit in the first place...Wow! You sure showed yourselves. I'll let you all figure out how you looked. I'll give you a hint...not very good. Thanks for the instructions on killing myself, very original, I've never seen that before. Oh, and the most original is the guy who's conclusion was that the reason I am so angry and mean is because I need to get laid. NO guy has ever used that as a come back to a bitchy girl.
So here's my public entry.'re it.