Weird Dream

Jun 02, 2005 22:03

I was at a Ben and Jerry's in Philly (July 4th weekend) and who should happen to be there but Dave Matthews. No joke he was there because of some special they were doing with his new ice cream flavor and fund raiser for a charity. It was a hot day, being that it was July and I had taken my white long sleeved AE shirt off and had laid it on the counter as I was about to order a cup of ice cream. And I had just noticed it was Dave waiting on me when he just pulled out a sharpie and started going to town signing and then drawing on my shirt. He got so into it and excited that when he was done he had also given me his belt and his shirt in addition to my shirt. I was speechless. I just stood there staring at Dave as he handed me all this stuff and told me that he liked my face and that he hoped I had a good day. And when I woke up that shirt was on my bed, and it wasn't when I went to bed.

In related news I was able to get a ticket for the July 5th show here in Philly. I thought they were sold out but I decided to check again today. And low and behold I was able to get one! I don't usually believe in signs…but come one you have to admit that’s pretty amazing.

Countdown till moving has begun, the last possible day I am moving to Boston is on August 15th so that leaves exactly 76 from now till then. Lets hope its sooner then that!
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