HAHA really? Nice! ...Though I just realised I didn't say why I liked it. Or what it's from, whoops. I guess I like the sound of it and the way it ties in to the series :x
I'm kind of a massive fan of his books. The first one I read was The Green Mile, which my mum lent me. I found that's a good one to start with. He's written a HELL of a lot, so not everything's great but he's written some amazing stuff. I'd highly recommend Insomnia, come to think of it, that's one of my favourites.
OH MAN I READ THE GREEN MILE. I always forget he wrote that. I don't read much suspense/horror/etc, which is probably why I never bothered looking up his stuff. But I'll have to check out Insomnia, then. :3
Also I just love Stephen King.
I haven't read much Stephen King. Actually...I don't know if I've read anything of his...
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