My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haultouchmeplease goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as she-devil.
_multifaceted_ gives you 9 light yellow grape-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
alleyes0nme tricks you! You get a wad of paper.
alz718 gives you 7 white root beer-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
fascist_twerp gives you 8 green cola-flavoured wafers.
fetusgoulash gives you 8 dark green tropical-flavoured gummy bats.
impresmessalina gives you 6 dark blue strawberry-flavoured pieces of taffy.
mcthud tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
nolesshabitual gives you 1 light green peach-flavoured gumdrops.
wikedchiil gives you 4 yellow cinnamon-flavoured jawbreakers.
zombie_pixie tricks you! You lose 20 pieces of candy!touchmeplease ends up with 23 pieces of candy, a wad of paper, and a broken balloon.Another fun meme brought to you by