the motherfucker [it's funny cos it's literal!]

Jan 11, 2009 22:26

Part of my post from June 12th 2006: -
for some reason, before i was in a relationship, i gave awesome advice. i'm not sure if i would anymore, cos i can actually imagine how it would feel now. like before, i said if a guy ever cheated on me, that would be it, i'd leave. but now i imagine if anthony did that to me, i know i'd probably find every excuse for him and try my best to stay with him. maybe i'm pathetic and dependant, or i just know that he would never do that to me so its not quite real.

but it's funny cos i did try to find every excuse
then realised he's just a cunt who couldn't keep it in his pants
and chose the fugliest bogan of a chick to put it in
and that's not even the "woman scorned" in me talking
everyone who knows her who i told was the other woman were sort of dumbfounded for a few seconds
she's not good
and she's pregnant
but this is a bitchfest for another time
if you wish for details, feel free to make requests

honestly, this break up was so freaking dramatic
but then again, most things i do tend to be a bit OTT
but now i've gotten myself all fired up
so current news on the Fucktard is below, read at own will

seriously want to kick him in the face
if i was Chuck Norris, the rapidness of the roundhouse kicks i would be doing would shatter the time space continum
thats how much i am pissed at him this week

i have a few bit of his stuff still - i've had it all packed up and ready to go for months
keep in mind, we broke up on the 1st of August, so it's been over FIVE MONTHS
actually, it'd be our 3 year anniversay on tuesday if we were still together
i realised this earlier - bit random, not sure why my brain told me this when i was looking at the calendar

he keeps messaging me at random times saying "oh, i found more of your books in my wardrobe"
i'm like "that's nice fucktard, put it with the others and lets get this shit over with"
apparently i've lefts like multiple garbage bags worth of stuff at his parent's place
considering i've been to his house and collected bags worth of stuff already i have no idea how this can be true
but regardless, he says he has it and i want his shit out of my house also so an exchange needs to be made

but he's being a little bitch, isn't he
i think he still hopes there's a chance we're getting back together
and seriously, there's not even a shred of hope for that
i've got someone else on the brain and considering the whole time we were dating i barely found other guys to be attractive [haha how fucking loyal am I cos Anthony's not what you'd describe as "a looker" - Ren nicknamed him "sleazy Italian" so work off that mental picture - I just get the Rose Coloured Glasses effect cos I'm tard/loyal as fuck], having someone on the brain is like as official as i can be

but anyways
i sms'd him on wednesday saying i'm sick of waiting for him to organise himself, bring my shit over at 1pm and pick up ur crap today
he messaged back with "don't give me that crap, you know i've been waiting for you"
and then 30 minutes later "btw, i'll be out at a pool gathering that time anyways"
like seriously, do i care that you're going swimming?
and the whole waiting for me thing is bullshit cos i spoke to him on like thursday when he sent me one of his random "oh, i found more of your books in my wardrobe" messages over msn and said he thinks there's more in there
so he's obviously not ready to do the swap cos he hasn't finished getting my shit together
it fired me up good and proper, despite how much i didn't want him to effect me
i had to turn my phone off cos i knew if i replied it would go on for hours and i seriously have too much work to do to be playing his games like that

he still wants to be friends
i told him to go fuck himself
every so often he asks whether there's still no chance for us to be friends
and every time he asks
there's even less

i want him out of my life properly
we don't share mutual friends and the few that we did either see him or see me now
his friends never really liked me so i'm not really losing anything there
Leah was dating his best friend but they broke up and she's in London so I don't even speak to him
I met Anthony through Tim - i haven't been out with tim pretty much since we broke up and really, i don't want to - he really needs a girlfriend, he's getting very scary-creepy
It should be so eas to just have him no longer exist to me
And for a good few months, it was like dropped off the face of the earth
And i was damn happy about that
So i am really unimpressed with his current attitute
And i don't want anything that has potential to happen with someone else to be effected by the fact that Anthony is being so childish
Cos i really would like it to happen - not sure if the person i'm thinking of is feeling the same way, but i will find out eventually - possibly sooner if they are reading this!
Anthony is making me feel like I look like I'm not over him, it's like he's sensed that I'm moved on and happy with where i am in the world at the moment and doing things for myself again and is trying to keep himself in my mind and ruin it all
And it's unfortantly working, but not in a good way for him
The Motherfucker.
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