Dec 24, 2004 22:50
so today i was sposed to go shopping with sara and bekah, but timmy needed our help, so we went to the bus station and took him his ticket cuz he left it in ms. dikea's van lol (smart one). so he exchanged his ticket for a different time and it was soo sad leaving him all alone with all those black people at the bus station. ne ways, by the time we got back from there, i HAD to go home and get ready for the x-mas party at our friend's house, so i didnt get to go shopping with sara and bekah!! but its ok, i can still hang out with them ne time next week.
so when i got back i took a shower and got ready for the party. then, when we got there, i was sooo hungry so i ATE lol. the food was goood. i was very happy. and little Hannah is soooo adorable. i dunno how old she is, but, she is just soo cute!! and she luvs shopping lol. she also cant wait till she opens allll those presents under the christmas tree. i wouldnt be able to wait either tho, so w/e. ne ways, now i am home, and i am here updating my journal so allll of you can read about my boring day lol. u really didnt hafta read this if you already did. even though..... i luv reading your comments lol. ;) so go ahead and comment, i mean, wut have you got to lose??? huh?? thats right.... nuthing lol hehe ok then byez.