Tick tock, baby forget the clock. You don't have to do a thing,and you know I love your baby talk...

Apr 27, 2006 19:01

Ewww. I've only just come in from Uni. I think I may be dead.

Today has involved the following:

* Wearing a coat, only to discover it was really really hot in Preston. Proceeding to look a loon in said coat thereafter.

* Noting also that I had in fact put the wrong bra on, and had one of those dreaded "4 breast" situations.

* Wishing I'd remembered to take my hayfever tablet

* Having to jump over someone's sick in the corridor.

* Miscalculating in aforementioned activity. Hah.

* Spending 2 hours doing French grammar revision, only to find out (in the middle of an exam), I hadn't actually remembered anything I'd read.

* Waiting one hour for my train, which was delayed due to "an incident" in Blackpool.

* Listening to Queens Of The Stoneage very very loudly on the train to block out the chav conversation about where they were storing their "gear"

* Talking about nose's.

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