Mar 30, 2006 13:08
I'd take my own bloody gallbladder out.
This week, I have mostly been in incredible amounts of pain. Saturday night, I was meant to be going out with Lizzy and Lois, but I had the worst women pains of my life. Very gutted, but at least I'd gone out the night before to see Lois.
Alas, that was just the beginning of my "week of pain". On Sunday night, about half six, I started with my gallstone pain. I don't know how to describe the pain to you, as I fear you have to experience it to understand. Painkillers do nothing, except make me sick, so I just have to sit there hours on end until I eventually flake out and fall asleep. So, I managed about 3 hours sleep on Sunday night. Now usually, the pain lasts a maximum of about 8 hours, but when I woke up on Monday morning, it was still going. Not as intense, but there nonetheless. However, I had a listening exam for French, so I had to drag myself up and on the train to Preston. (Now there is dedication for you heh) But when I got there, I spent half an hour being sick, and in the end, I looked so white my tutor insisted I went home. (Being surprisingly nice for once :S)
That must have been the longest 35 minutes of my life! By the time I got to Blackburn, I was doubting I could go on. Somehow I managed to get home, and continued to sit in bed, staring blankly at the walls.
I could go on, but I think I've lost a few of you. Heh. To cut a long and self pitying story short, the pain has only just gone. I've had about 10 hours sleep since Sunday, and 2 pieces of toast, and two cups of tea. At least it'll help the diet! hah.
I went to the doctors, after a lot of persuasion from him on the phone to move. I think he may be the only good doctor I've ever come across. (Insert your own childish jokes there Lois :P) He wrote to the consultant to make him speed up my operation, which I am still awaiting a date for. Plus he gave me some scarily strong pain killers, which make me feel very tired. In fact, I am almost falling asleep at the keyboard, so I think I shall go to bed now.
i forget what the point of this post was.....