Jul 18, 2005 22:42
if anyone wants me ill be in my bubble crying my eyes out. maybe if u call it will cheer me up. maybe not. im covering my eyes with my shirt to hide the cold frozen tears from everyone. what time is it. can i even fall asleep tonight knowing that i have this on my mind. why do u think i would do this. u dont trust me. u dont think u could trust me. havent we been through enough. havent u seen me in my worst moments and still only in love with u. knowing that u are the only person who can make me happy again. why would i try to drive u away. how could u think this. what time is it. i should be falling asleep soon. or not, i doubt i will be able to wake up in the morning. still know less than u think u know. somewhat scared of what the future might hold. how angry are u. why would u even be angry. is it even anger....or are u also scared of what could happen. do u still trust me. i think my bubble is thinning. u know u r the only one who can come in my bubble. but would u even want to. what time is it. i dont know how time could go so slow in a place like this. the deep darkness of my head. the back corner of my mind. the only place where i am alone. which i think is where i am going to stay for a little while until i fall asleep.........what time is it