My Decision Is Made - FRIEND CUT!

Aug 15, 2011 00:46

So after much thought I decided I'm definitely coming back to this account. I've gone by touched_venus/touchedvenus for so long I'm a bit attached to the username.

I moved all my icons over here and changed the journal layout to look like what I have at kamishininoyari.

The big question now is.... who is still watching this account?

Please respond to this journal entry if you would like to remain/be on my watch list. You have until AUGUST 22ND before I clean the list up adding and removing people.

Please, it's been a while since I've been here so if we haven't talked in a long time you might need to remind me who you are. My memory isn't the best in the world and I apologize for that. Usually with a nice jog I can recall things, so feel free to remind me how we met.

I'm looking forward to finalizing my return. I've missed you guys. <3

Loving Regards,
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