Age: 15 (born September 13, 2000; the day of Second Impact.)
Height: Sexy.
Weight: Needs several sammiches.
Medical Info: Is a healthy robust average teenage boy! Except for the fact that he may very well be a clone and he was at least partially created from Angel DNA. Canon leads me to believe that physically, at least, the fact that he isn't human is only noticeable when he's using his powers, but this is largely speculation on my part. I'm willing to discuss it if it comes up!
Eyes: Red.
Hair: Grey.
Physical traits: Pretty, albino, and skinny as a rail.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm taking him from the manga, and from after his death. As for fourth-wall breaking and spoilers, I'm willing to run with it; Kaworu probably won't be too distressed in the event that it comes up.
Abilities: First and foremost, he's very, very perceptive. He is immediately able to pinpoint the extent of Shinji's fear of getting close to people, and knows right away that Asuka is having trouble synchronizing with Unit-02 and that she needs to "open her heart" to it. Whether this is just really, really excellent observational skills or some sort of limited mind-reading ability (which wouldn't be particularly unusual, given what he is), I'm not entirely sure. He is also quite a skilled musician, able to play both the piano and violin. (His seiyuu, however, is completely tone-deaf.)
As for the extent of his abilities as an Angel... lol. An excellent question, and one I don't reeeally know the answers to, since the abilities of the individual Angels vary wildly. The two things that canon tells us for sure are:
1) Kaworu can control Evangelions if his soul is more dominant than that of the Eva.
2) He has the most powerful AT field ever detected (strong enough to block out "light, magnetism, sub-atomic particles, everything"). The AT field is a barrier that Angels are capable of erecting that is impervious to almost all conventional weapons. What this means? If Kaworu doesn't want to be hurt, there's almost nothing that can actually do much damage to him.
Oh yeah, and he can levitate. Other than that, I... have no clue. Thanks, Evangelion.
Notes for the Psychics: ... ahahaha. A basic low-level sweep of his mental state would show what's probably already apparent: though Kaworu is quite good-natured, he's also very, very logical and unemotional. Generally speaking, he's cheerful and curious and rather detached. May very well have "Ode to Joy" on a constant loop in there. For anything deeper than that: see
this post.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Generally yes, because Kaworu can be very creepy and abrasive when he wants to. But please ask if it's more than a minor thing so I know what I'm getting into!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Absolutely! He will return the favor with great pleasure. Kaworu has no sense of personal space whatsoever.
Maim/Murder/Death: Would be pretty difficult to manage! We'll discuss it if it comes up.
Emo/Angst/Drama: Regularly molests Shinji Ikari.
Cooking: ... let me ponder this.