Feb 24, 2008 17:31
I'm on my last half pill of Celexa that I'm trying desperately not to take, because I don't have any refills left. After 3 or more years of being on 80mgs, then weaning myself off, I'm finally at an end. I notice a huge change in myself, even throughout the almost constant withdrawal symptoms. I feel things differently, definitely. I'm a lot more anxious, and have had to deal with more panic attacks, but I'm hoping that has more to do with the withdrawal symptoms. I was tired of being a zombie for so long, and if I'm going to go back into therapy, I want it to be me talking, not some pills. I wanted to crawl out of my skin the past two nights when I was trying to sleep, but it's nothing compared to the few times I almost had to be taken to the hospital because of this stupid medication and its effects on me. Never mind emotionally, but physically, the weaning process was horrible. I'm really hoping that the next few days don't bring that on again, because even a half a pill is 20mg thats floating around in my body somewhere. I just have to try my best and hope that I don't end up in fetal position on the couch again.
I have a lot I'd like to write about here, but thinking about it, I'm not really ready for that yet. We'll see. So instead of staring blankly at my screen trying to figure out something beyond my medication issues I'm going to go stuff my face, because apparently I'm ALWAYS hungry now. Then maybe a nap. I'm half hoping for a phone call that I doubt will happen, so maybe I'll try and see what everyone else is doing.