Mar 26, 2007 14:08
Last week was probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life. Things are changing at work and change is hard. On monday we got our new manager Andrew. I like him at the moment, though its hard to say whether he is just being nice to me because I've been on his side all week and giving him the general breakdown of what staff will do what and who is going to cause problems. I like, and respect his management style. He is very much for the chain of command i.e. he's the manager, I do as he says, we're the team leaders and the staff do as we say. I love that kind of thing, having structure and discipline and a chain of command. Its just how I like it.
However, as much as I like it, the staff do not. Mainly because someone has come in who can finally put them all in their places. So as you can probably imagine there has been quite a lot of conflict this week. Actually though, most of it has come from customer services. There was some, chew, shall we say, on monday and since then every time you go over the desk you get an absolute earful about it. There are two things that I don't like about this, one is that its not very professional and not very mature considering we're all meant to be on the same team and at the end of the day no matter how much of a problem they have with Andrew they should still do as he says because of the fact that he is higher up in the chain of command than all of them. Secondly why should I have to take all the shit just because I work under that manager? I don't really care about their opinions and quite frankly don't want to hear their bitching as I actually have other more important things to do.
So that has been a massive pain in my arse all week. Then there are our staff who are giving me loads of shit because we have to send them for their breaks as early as possible now. I've had countless arguements with them since the start of the week just because they're being fucking awkward. I have to say I agree with Andrew on a lot of his opinions on our store. I really hope he stays on as manager because I reckon it'll give the department a good kick up the arse that it oh so greatly needs.
This does leave me with quite the complicated situation though. You see Andrew is only 22 and started out on the trolleys three years ago. Now thats not bad going by my reckoning. So do I continue being nice and loved by all my staff, but still getting walked all over and letting it affect me doing the job to the best of my ability. Or do I cut all ties and closeness and start being firmer and stronger but generally hated and get a better job done and speed up my progression? I don't really know. Thing is if I do all that then Andrew leaves I'll just be left stuck with everyone hating me and another manager may have a completely different attitude and style. At the end of the day I do want to get on though. As fast as possible. I mean I'm nearly 20 and I want to be a manager by 21. Or at least signed off. There is also the fact that I might not be on the checkouts much longer. I think I need a change.
Well enough about work and such whats been happening socially latley? Well I'm all over the place really. Saturday was just what I needed, I got so very very smashed. I danced, I drank, I kissed, and I did some things that I probably shouldn't have. I did however discover an absolutely genius new tactic for pulling. I get very mincey when I'm drunk, I'm very mincey anyway but when I'm drunk I'm even more gay. So this is what I did on saturday. I went up to these three girls and asked them whether they liked 'cock or fanny', no point wasting time being subtle, and then I asked what they thought I liked cock or fanny. They all said cock assuming I was gay and I was like 'welllll actually I like fanny, believe it or not' and they were all like 'omg no wayyy' and I was like 'mhmm come dance with me and I'll prove it' and it worked and we all made out and it was class.
I was completley wasted mind. I woke up in the morning with a drawn on beard and moustache, blue glittery eyeliner and a love bite and thought 'well, looks like I had a good night'. Also, this may seem quite big headed and egotistical (but it wouldn't be me if it wasn't) but I could have had anyone I wanted in that club. I don't know what it was but I was just feeling confident and stuff, I violated so many people, female and male that you would not believe. Chris + alcohol = even worse than normal.
So that was last week. It was a long, tiring and stressful week that completely fucked with my head but hey. Here is hoping this week is better. Though I somehow doubt its going to be less complicated. Today shall be good though. I am going to le cinema avec Dawn and then for some munchies at Nando's. I'm going to see 300. I am incredibly excited.