Jan 03, 2007 23:35
Today me and Emma have kicked COPIUS amounts of ass. Like seriously man my feet are hurting from kicking so much rump. We have owned the show today despite Craig going home ill and having four sick calls and two people off for pro-rata/childcare. Not only have we passed the one in front but we've covered overtime, team 5'vd everyone, done everything in the world ever. I even did training. Oh yes I'm THAT good.
I was thinking, whilst having a shit, today though, I've been in June's office so many times since being a team leader, I've had meeting, investigations and informal discussions and everything. All in the space of 6 months. Whereas before becoming a team leader I'd never been in June's office once. It was just funny thinking about it because when Gina was leaving I remember her saying don't worry about being taken into June's office it happens that much when you're a team leader.
So I was thinking this morning and last night whilst slightly inebriated. I was thinking that actually I do have new years resolutions, well I sort of do but sort of don't. They are just things to do for the new year I suppose, things to change, know what I mean? Basically the things I'm going to do more of this year are: make an impression (whether good or bad, its irrlevant) and say yes to more things. I do feel that sometimes I go a bit unnoticed, some people may find that hard to believe but its true, you wouldn't believe how self conscious I am as it goes, but I think like it would be good to make an impression on people rather than just be like 'who?' even if its something like 'oh the pervy one?'. Although I realise the whole pervy thing wears off as you get older and actually become more of a pervert.
As for the saying yes thing, that is more of a social thing. Like I'm going to try and say yes more to pretty much everything, evenings out, evenings in, indecent proposals, decent ones for that matter. Just be a bit like well more sociable really. Which is actually insanely hard for me to do considering how much I hate people and hate people eating into my me time. But still I tried doing it last year and it got me to some interesting places. I'm just going to try and act without thinking really because like well if there is ever a time to be young and irresponsible now would be it before I hit 20 and get completely over the hill.