Nov 20, 2008 16:43
So, a number of big decisions have dropped themselves on my lap, and I think I'm ready to make up my mind about them.
I've finally come to decide that I'd like to be an English and Creative-Writing teacher at the University level. To get there, I've decided to finish up my degree and teaching certifications at John Tyler, and then teacher at a couple of high schools for a few years. Preferably Manchester. I think it would be nice to "come home," if anyone gets what I mean. Granted, I wouldn't be working with the wonderful Mr. Kevin Mooney like I would have loved to do, but I think it would be good to carry on what he started at MHS.
While there, I'm going to take my time away from my curriculum to get married and start a family. Yeah, that's right. Sean and I want to -- and will -- be getting married. It's official. At least on LJ, it's official. It won't be official-official until sometime during the holidays, when we decide to sit down with our families and let everyone there know.
I can't wait to see the look on Granny Mencarini's face. She hates me; I hate her. It'll be fun, and I'm going to love it. (Why am I enjoying these vindictive emotions I'm experiencing just now?)
So during the Spring, Fall, and Winter while I'm teaching high school, and doing the whole family thing, I'm going to take my master's courses during the summer. I figure if I do it that way, I'll be making enough money to pay for the classes, as well as continue to learn and re-educate myself so I will be better prepared for recertification every five years. Jeff Beatman, one of the most respected principles in the county until his retirement four years go, told me that that is a great and innovative idea; many teachers don't think to do that.
Hopefully, after a few summers of master's courses, I'll have the degree and experience I need to start working at colleges. I'll probably start at John Tyler, since they're always in need of teachers, it seems, but I think I'd like to end up somewhere north. Maybe Massachusettes, or Pennsylvania. Penn State would be fun, I 'spose.
That said, I think I'm going to make a new LJ. That's not neccessarily as important as my other decisions I've made, but it takes forever for me to think of a new LJ name, anyway.