art post!

Oct 19, 2010 19:18

thisssss issss the main character of Empire State and Issac from my new cool project that is still in the works!

I'm changing the lady's name but yeah, she is the main character! and, Isaac is kinda there. Also he has a crush! Watch out! He is an inventor and gets paid lots of money to make all kinds of cool machines, but his work makes him a bit of a recluse and kinda shy. She takes his money and breaks his machines. True love!!(??)

This is a gift art that I've owed for like EVER!! It is for aidosaur, who you may know from her lovely autobio comic, Johnny Wander. Serona is a cat fan! And adorable and into sweaters, from what I am gathering in the reference pictures!


I'll get the pokemon out of the way. This is me and some of the pokemon I like. mindblowing, I know

This is what Rayquaza would look like as a human. Skinny and tall and drug addicted. also i don't care about anatomy

This is a concept piece for one of the characters in the story I'm doing with hello_scorping, for the Huldra. It's not the final design of her, but I'm quite pleased with how this turned out. I might do a separate finished picture based on this one with the final Huldra design instead.

Some kelpie-ish people. The second was done with a brush pen, which I'm taking rather a liking to.

Isaac and Arlen, both from Empire State. Arlen's a recycled version of a character I made up when I was fifteen, but I think he'll serve his purpose mighty well in this story.

A cervine lady faun! Another one that I will probably paint up. A nice blue green for this one, I'm thinking.

a stupid doodle where i drew stuff on two different pages and decided to tie them together somehow. WHATEVS it is kinda funny, i think?

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