
May 09, 2010 10:21

I'm in the middle of finals an working and drawing nonstop!!! So of course I decide to make a quick quick artpost right now.

Franz and Abeo, from my oldoldold comic idea, the defector. they are my babies. I actually like this picture a bunch, but I am afraid it will start to wear off soon. In any case, yes!!!! neato. After I did this one I tried to enter a few of those ~elite digital artist groups~ on DA but got reeejecteddddd from them all. One group told me i was a really great artist and a potential member or something to keep working hard so i guess... that is... what i am doing

This is another Abeo. I was doing teeny inkwash pictures in my watercolor paper moleskine and this is the one that is good, the other one i messed up beyond repair. Oh well! It is still wonky, but i like it. My moleskine isn't big enough though, it always does not leave room for hands, when i work at my regular size :(

colored an old doodle of elek in an equally doodly style. I joined this community where you draw the same OC for thirty days, but I joined it at the wrong time. I should have known that finals will never be kind to me. Once they're over, though, I'll draw two of him a day until I'm all caught up~
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