exitvoid application

Oct 09, 2011 00:44

ARE YOU 16 OR OVER?: yep
CONTACT: aim and plurk are both graysylar

SERIES: Carriers
CANON POINT: Just before the end of the movie.
AGE: 27


PERSONALITY: Before everyone started dying, Brian was an all right guy. Not a great guy, but a hard working guy who was devoted to his family, especially his baby brother Danny. Danny may've been the smarter one, but Brian was the one who got things done. From the time he was a child, Brian was a loud kid who liked getting attention and acting out. Most of his friends only liked him on a shallow level, because he was a fun drunk who only beat up people he didn't know. He didn't let many people closer than that. His brother was his best friend, and it was only a stroke of luck (and her own tenacity) that he let his girlfriend Bobby close enough that she fell in love with him.

When the outbreaks started, Brian saw an opportunity to make some money burying the dead in mass graves at the stadium. He expected to die like everyone else anyway, so why not make a little money to live the rest of his time on Earth as well as he could? Working there hardened him, and made him jaded Sometimes, he'd notice the people he was supposed to bury were still moving, but his supervisor didn't seem to care, so he went on with his job. They were on the verge of death anyway. He told himself they probably weren't even well enough to know where they were. As he continued to work there, he realized he wasn't getting sick the way he'd expected to. Instead of succumbing to survivor's guilt like a few of his not-really-friends had, he began to think he'd been chosen to live. Maybe his little brother and Bobby had been chosen too. His parents were already sick, so there was no saving them. He took his father's gun and left them to die in their bed, taking Danny and Bobby out on the road.

They headed for Turtle Beach, a place where he and Danny had spent happy family vacations. He believed that they could wait out the plague there, and eventually live their lives again (although with far fewer people around). As they traveled, Brian became more and more jaded. He made dispassionate rules to keep them from getting infected, and and his traveling companions followed those rules for the most part. No matter how bad things got, Brian kept his raucous sense of humor, and his love for Danny and Bobby never faltered. He was sure he and Bobby were a perfect match, and that they'd live into old age together with his little brother.

After breaking Brian's rules, Bobby became infected. She hid this from the others at first, but they soon found out. At first, Brian was unable to leave her behind, despite the risk of infection. He loved her too much to maintain the safety rules he'd come up with. He knew he had too, though, and at his brother's urging, he finally dragged her out of the car and left her to die. The usually stoic Brian was visibly upset by this, both heartbroken and furious at his brother for forcing him to do it. He'd always been the one to take care of things that were too difficult for Danny, but this time, it had been too much for him to bear.

Brian began to shut down completely. He'd once avoided hurting people, but now he was willing to murder people they came across on the road if they wouldn't share their gas. He maintained his sense of humor, but now it was more morbid and forced. Brian was a hollowed out version of himself, reckless, and self-destructive, but clinging to the idea that he had been chosen, and that Danny needed him around to do the hard stuff.

Eventually, Danny discovered that Brian had been infected by Bobby. Brian stayed in the back of the car for a while, too sick and depressed to do very much but lie there. Eventually, Danny and his friend that they'd picked up tried to abandon him. When he wouldn't give them the keys to the car, Danny shot him to death. In a way, Brian had hoped he would; it released him of his responsibility to Danny if Danny was able to take care of himself like that, and gave him the quick death that he preferred.

ABILITIES: He knows how to shoot a gun, and he's got some pretty well-honed survival skills. Other than that, 100% human.

POSSESSIONS: A face mask, a pair of medical gloves, three bullets, and a set of car keys.

JOURNAL ENTRY SAMPLE:[Brian is frowning at the camera as the video flicks on. His face mask is hanging from his neck, and he looks half dead even though there isn't a mark on him. After a moment, his eyes come into focus and he flashes a huge, fake smile.]

Hey guys. I'm Brian. The last thing I remember was my baby brother shooting me in the chest. Now I'm apparently in a fucking video game. Okay. Can't be any worse than what I've been living.

So, quick question. Is this hell or purgatory? Because I'm sure as fuck not in heaven. [His tongue pokes out to press against the edge of his teeth.]

No, wait, I have a better question. Is there booze somewhere close, because I am in the mood to get so wasted I can't walk straight or maintain bladder function... Or, you know, think. Ever again, preferably.

Probably could use a shower too.

[He laughs and mutters Of course I'm on a fucking beach. Fuck me. before the video switches off.]


ooc, application

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