yesterday i had an amazing day!
First my car wouldn't start. i dont know what's wrong it doesnt do ANYTHING when i turn the key....maybe it's the battery i dont know. it sounds like a crappy way to start the day, but it just makes something else that happened that much better, but before i get to that:
Tippy Canoe recorded THREE songs! Sam came over around 1:30 and we recorded till about 5 and i reallly love all the songs we did and im really happy and it was really fun and im really proud of us. Just as proud as i was after our first show!
Sam was really great and patient and fun to record with and we owe him a lot.
Here is our MYSPACE PAGE! so listen to it and be our friends.
next melanie needed to go pick up her bike from our friend's new bike shop on center st. "Bike City" they collect used bike parts and make new bikes out of them. i went in a couple of weeks ago and picked out a bike frame and told them what i wanted and expected to get it back in about a week from now. so audrey dropped us off at bike city and we were talking about melanie's bike when jeff is like, "you're bike is ready, its in the show room" and i ran into the other room and found it and so instead of me walking with melanie while she rode her new bike home we both got to ride our new bikes home! and we rode our new bikes to a new mexican restaurant in the square-ish. and it hurt my legs real bad b/c i havent ridden a bike in about 5 years. We had Jr. Chimichangas (which were the perfect size) and cheese dip.
on the way home my handle bars were lowering the whole time and it was king of scary so i rode on the side walk, but when we got to my house we fucking repaired my bike like complete bad asses. we totally fixed the handlebars.
it was really nice riding with melanie because she is just as cautious about the whole thing as i am because it's been so long since either of us have actually ridden bikes. bike city gave us free helmets and i wore mine around the place for about half an hour before someone told me it was on backwards...
last night i rode it up a huge hill, and realized that compared to other hills in fayetteville, it's not that huge. it's going to take some getting used to and serious muscle build up, but i ready for it. i usually dont try and find messages from god in everyday situations, but i think some all powerful being made my car stop working to force me to ride this bike.