May 06, 2004 02:55
It's nearing 3AM and I can't sleep. I've come down with some sort of cold thing and it has already messed up my hours royally. I just had a strangely sore throat last night, but it kept me from sleeping more than four hours, so I've been feeling sick, tired and whiney all day. I had a four hour nap between 4PM and 8PM and that made me feel a bit better, but of course, now I can't sleep. Howerver, K has been babying me all day and I usually lose weight like CRAZY from being sick, so as long as it's staying at a sore throat and minor scheduling discrepancies I'm all for it. It does make it bloody impossible to get anything done though. I have three job applications to fire away that all need some hacking done to my resume, and I've been sitting here staring blankly at it for an hour and a half now. I figure it's time to do something else, so I think I'll stare blankly at my book for a while instead. Hope everyone else is sleeping better than me!
health and sickness