May 12, 2002 23:17
We bought a new car! Zoom, zoom, zoom! Which means it's a Mazda, for those of you lacking in quality commercials. I never liked Mazda's much. It's one of those cars for grown up, boring people. Never cared for four door cars. Same thing. Four cylinder non turbo cars with automatic transmissions. Not good. And I don't think I ever saw a gold colored car that I liked in my life. And so, we went and bought a gold colored -95 Mazda 626. Four cylinders, non turbo. Automatic. Four doors. And we both really, really like it. We realized the other day that we looked at the red turbo convertible and we looked at the Mazda, for now named Goldie (highly imaginative, I know), and we decided that there really was no competition and bought the Mazda, and are by now completely assured that it was the right decision. It's so depressing.
But we both really do like the car!
What else is new? Who knows? Not me.
Saturday was a really good day in general. We bought a new car. Exciting things happened at work. I've been having some doubts of late, about my career choice, but a few things happened that made the situation look considerably brighter. I sold two cars in one day, for one thing. If I could do that every day I'd make $17,600 a month. Also one of the more senior sales people left, which means a division of this persons customer database between the remaining sales staff. A few other positive things went on as well, but I'll leave that open for speculation and rumour for now. In any case. I came home and we went to La Finca to celebrate, mainly the new car, but somewhat the day in general.
Sunday, which it still is, has been... a little busier than usual. Or a little more efficient, perhaps? We actually got up at a decent hour, and it seemed like the day might be less than great fun, as my back was hurting more than before, but it's been off and on, and not too horrid at any point. Got the dishes done in the morning for a change, and went up to Elliott County for the regular Sunday. Hacked away a little at mandolin parts to be and socialized in general. Yard cleaning got underway before we could escape, and so we played at that for a while. Came home and got me a haircut. K has been cutting my hair for... at least a year by now, and she's getting better all the time, but this time I decided to be a little adventurous with the very front bit that I've been doing myself before. It seemed like it ended up the same if I fiddled around and cut it myself as if she did it with the machine. It turned out I was wrong. We're glad hair grows out again. And who knows, maybe military style crew cuts are coming back in style?
I'm currently working on finding the new A-ha album as MP3's. Don't need to feel bad about it either, as it's not available in stores here, and I will actually buy it when we get to Sweden in (gah!) a week. So here I'm downloading these songs, the whole album, at approximately the same speed that the songs are playing. Gotta love this internet crap when it's actually working.
Remind me to take my drugs tonight, as I've been failing to do that the last day or two.
everyday living,