May 02, 2002 22:45
It was getting old to write the same non-committal junk in here every day, so I decided to do something unusual, so I wrecked the car. Action! Adventure! Axcitement! Other things beginning with A! A gentleman in a Mazda truck apparently took offense to our little Cavalier and rammed me while I was waiting for the guy in front of me to move into an intersection. Didn't think the Cavalier needed to get any shorter than it was, but I guess it's easier to park now. Or it would have been if it had been driveable. Insurance in place and no one apparently hurt and so on, so for a crash it seems like a good one, but I wouldn't have minded doing without completely. My new friends at the body shop had very little hope ("there's no way in hell") that the insurance company would pay for repairs, so I guess we're in the market for a car. Something with a little better safety would be nice. I've explained to Kisha that we're getting a Volvo 850, and she's moderately excited, although I believe she thinks it's cute that I want to get her a really safe car. And yes, it is, or was, her car. Usually I take my car on rainy days, since it has better tires, but not today, for reasons unknown. Would have been vastly preferrable to have it wrecked, but hey, can't have everything.
The rest of the day pretty much went to discussing used car sources, insurance policies, accident procedures and similar things with people at and around work. Inconclusional, in total. The good part of it was that my wife came and picked me up after work, which made the drive home feel a whole lot shorter.
Like I'm not spending enough time looking at/talking about cars as it is.