First of all I want to give a nice warm welcome to all the new friends I made through my friending meme! Welcome to my journal everyone!
I also want to give a shoutout to
cloudlesssmile1 and
teagues_veil . I felt so down and alone and you guys said the exact words I needed to hear so thank you SO much. I love you guys! *HUGS*
It's almost 6AM and I can't's probably cause my back hurts something terrible and has been all day long. I've had this pain almost all summer. *cries* time. I was asked questions by
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment, ask them five questions.
1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring 1 person, 1 electronic device, and 1 other miscellaneous thing...what would they be?
This probably isn't the smartest of answers but I would probably my ipod as the 1 electronic device and my pillow as the miscellaneous thing. Like I said..not the smartest of answers but as for the sister..hands down.
2. When did you first get into fandom and how has it generally affected your life?
Well I'm not sure what this question is asking so I'll answer it in two different ways. If this means when did I first get addicted to a show or ship it was when I was 13 and it was Charmed and Roswell. Before Charmed and Roswell I didn't really care about TV that much but after watching ONE episode of each show it was like all I could think about were those shows. They were everything to me. Those shows really changed my life I think. I didn't start getting on the internet and looking into spoilers and talking to other people until One Tree Hill/Nathan&Haley became an obsession. That REALLY changed my life cause if it weren't for OTH I probably wouldn't have an LJ or be friends with all the people I'm friends with which I'm really thankful for each and every one of them. If it weren't for OTH and fandom in general I never would have met Shauna (
starlite_diner)and Susan (
xandersgirl18)who are responsible for getting me into 24, Buffy, and Angel...and I LOVE those shows. I hope I've answered the question.
3. Name one television character (from any show) that you can relate to the most. Why did you choose that character?
This is easy...and although she is my favorite character of all my shows that's not why I'm choosing her. It's Piper from Charmed. If you watch the earlier seasons of Charmed Piper's character is pretty much me. I can't quite explain it but people who have watched Charmed and know me in person always say I'm like Piper in so many ways. My sister has actually called me Piper a few times.
4. What are five of your favorite names? (For girls, boys, or both)
Girls: Isabella, Annette, Eleanor, Rebecca, Ingrid
Boys: Daniel, Christopher, Ian, Patrick, Doyle (Yes, this is couse of Angel the series)
5. Do you believe that true love exists?
This is hard to answer. I think that there are a few people out there that will be like my other half..that will understand me like nobody else does. If that's true love then I guess I do believe in true love.
I got S1 of Bones a few days ago and I'm almost done with it. I'm officially a Bones and Booth/Brennan fan. I'll probably post my thoughts when I'm done. And I definitely have to get my hands on some of the music.
It's Monday now I guess which means...ECLIPSE COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!
I guess that's all for now.
Current Location: Home
Current Mood:
Current Noise: Blame it on the weatherman by Bewitched