LHC fun!

Aug 11, 2008 19:04

So it looks like they are firing up the LHC in Sep and expecting their first mass collision in Oct. What a delight! :D Despite the relative saftey of the experiment, the world is braced on the edge of it's seat to see if we are all plucked from our existance and stretched out endlessly untill our mass fits on the eye of a pin... Yeah right, like anything that cool would happen. :( Maybe in the next Star Trek movie?

I had a little fun at work today explaining to my team leader that there was a chance it could create a black hole or vacume bubble and suck all of known existance into itself, crushing it into the size of a single atom and killing him, at once instantly and over a period of long long hours... I never mentioned the chuckle worthy number of 0.0000's that go in front of the odds that something like that would happen, or that they have been testing that theory for over 4 years now to see if it would, but I felt that might somehow take away from the overall science of the experince for him. The biggest laugh came from trying to explain that, while he would likley be dead so quickly he would never know it happened, when viewing it from space it might be a long and confusingly pasta-like experince.

But such things always tickle me... No, not explaining to people how they are going to die!.... Well, yes, okay, explaing to people how they are going to die as WELL, but I meant the starting of new science that sparks a risk to the entier globe. There was the Atomic bomb, and that was all fun and games, and when the project started there was fear that the blast might never end and contiue to split other atoms... But the end result was still pretty neat... And now the LHC has people doubled over in fear.

You'd be forgiven for thinking this fear might be based on science, after all, a black hole would be nasty business, even a micro could prove fatal for the testing ground and the area around it, thou again, chances are slim... But raise thy eyebrow, oh cautious, educated folk, for the greatest fears have not sprung from the fear of calamity, but the fear of the mystical... Ahem, verily:


You might also be forgiven for thinking the "video reply" boxes below would be people explaining what a LHC is for the less atomiclly bent... But Lo, click them and see.

As always, fear is the delicious, chilled fruit juice on the blistering hot day that is life, and as always I encourage people to revel in fear. Assuming we aren't all sucked into a sickeningly small amount of space with a startingly large amount of gravity, I suggest that come Oct, you take up your wine glasses and raise a toast, for this may be the only day of your life where you can look another man in the eye over a glass of wine and say, with all honesty:

"Geepers, Fred. I sure hope your ass get's turned into a singularity!"

This has been Nic, who dearly hopes that if we DO somehow end up crushed together into one atom, that the last thing we hear is one guy in a lab coat saying "I told you" and a chorus of other guys and girls saying "Geeze man." "Shut up!" "God, what a jerk!"
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