Nov 06, 2008 09:45
So while it is nice to be on the winning side for a change, its funny to see republicans go through what I did for the last 8 years.
For the record, I am not a huge obama fan, I think he is an exceptional speaker, but I am not big on him. I like Joe Biden, and I am a democrat so therefore I vote.
However, I find it comical that all the republicans are now running around talking about how scary the next four years will be and how all the problems we have now were created by democrats years ago.
I agree with some of that, but deregulation is not a democrats thing. That is a staunch republican ideal and that is what has made a lot of this mess. Cutting taxes is a staunch republican ideal and that is also what got us into this mess.
How you say?
Economic disaster in 9 easy steps!
Step one.
Towns need more money to pay for things, like schools(I know its crazy idea) and other services we demand(like trash pick up and police) since less government money is there post 9/11 because of security, war, planning, etc.
Step two
Towns and cities can't raise taxes without losing their jobs, so we can't increase mill rates(property taxes)
What can we do???
Step three
Assess everyone's house values 5-10% higher, more tax money, no complaining
Step four
WOW! now that peoples homes are worth more they are taking out equity and doing things and selling like hot cakes to make money, and scarily people are buying these inflated value homes(see above on deregulation)
Step five
Well now the market pricing is raising home values so towns get more taxes anyways!
lets cut the tax rate!!
Step Six
Shit, wait a minute, these people couldn't really afford ARMs and giant home equity loans, they certainly can't afford their taxes..
Step Seven
Cry while government runs up huge debt and refuses to raise taxes! Cry while little jimmy doesn't get art at school anymore or little tommy's bike gets stolen because we can't pay day time police.
Step Eight
Spend more money you don't have on a couple of expensive wars, a huge government bailout, and perhaps some other excessive craziness.
Step Nine
So, am I scared about a democrat taking office?
Well, if its like 8 years with Clinton, 8 years of relative economic growth, relative little in the way of war and conflict and 8 proud years of republicans engaging in low blow tactics of impeaching someone for having an affair and lying about it?
Maybe I can get a better tax credit on these student loans.
Maybe we can have an "Anthony Bailout Act of 2009" and we just forgive my loans and send me to law school for free.
I am so down.
How about impeaching someone for presenting inaccurate evidence to the UN to make a case for war??