Two Names You Go By
1. Jill
2. Jilly-bean
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Polish
2. Scottish
Two Things That Scare You
1. Car accidents.
2. Emotional turmoil?
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Undies.
2. This freesia body spray that I recieved for my birthday.
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Pajama pants.
2. A t-shirt from a fundraiser I did in high school.
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Joe Hisaishi
2. Yoko Kanno
Two of Your Favorite Songs
1. Maaya Sakamoto - DIVE
2. Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Understanding
2. Just...taking the time to be there for one another? No matter what?
Two Truths
1. I take everything really seriously.
2. I have always wanted to learn how to sing.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Red hair.
2. Height. As tall or taller than me = mm.
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Swimming
2. Playing horse racing video games!
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To have an awesome group of friends. Locally that is.
2. ...Something I can't have.
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Ireland
2. Anywhere with lots of rolling green pasturegrassopenspacestuff.
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Get married.
2. Have a kid?
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I listen to Japanese music. A lot.
2. I have a cute kitty poster by my bed
Two people I would like to see take this quiz
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