A FIRE IN THE SKY - 7/4/2014
it’s the fourth of july, and i can hear explosions in the distance. being in the u.s. tonight that’s the tell tale sound of a good time…however i suppose if i were located anywhere else in the world there would be some cause for alarm.
if you haven’t noticed there’s been a bit of an overhaul to this here site. i’d like to thank my new friends taylor and vic over at vagrant for helping me out with my many internet deficiencies and making this all possible. in my opinion it definitely seems to be working better and i think it’s way easier on the eyes as well. so i hope you all enjoi it as much as america enjoys exploding color in the july night sky.
oh and if you like to read articles about guy’s named frnk, who can’t really spell too good, and have terrible stomachaches from time to time …then you should definitely pick up the current issue of Kerrang! magazine where they interview me about music i’ve made and then make fun of me in the captions. it’s so hilarious.
the issue i’m referring to has james hetfield on the cover… yelling.
actually, it seems like everyone on the cover is yelling.. except me and that girl holding a basketball. jeezus i do look pretty emo in that picture. ok anyway, that’s the one. be well friends. xofrnk