New year, new site news. :) First, please notice my beautiful new Setsuna icon made by my Secret Santa for the
amassment Christmas event. Thank you, whoever you are!
I hate making resolutions because I have a horrible time sticking to them, but I've been making a lot of plans for my sites, so here they are in handy list form:
- I have decided to try my hand at Enthusiast, which means all of my fanlistings will more than likely experience some down time and possible URL changes. I don't think I want to start a fanlisting collective, but I like the Enthusiast interface.
- Revamping fanlistings inevitably brings me to Tempest. Of all my sites, this is the one I've paid attention to the least. I made it back in 2007 and haven't really touched it since. It's not that I've lost interest in the pairing, but I feel like the demand for specific senshi/shitennou couple shrines is waning, and Tempest really feels like it is just collecting dust. I'm leaning more and more towards the idea of merging it with Fight Back the Dawn, my general senshi/shitennou idea. It will open it up to more fans and allow me to focus on the other three couples as well. The other option is to merge it with
Emerald Star. I would compile information and give it its own subsection.
- I am also working on new layouts for almost everything. I have one for
Crimson Mysteria that just needs to be spliced and coded. I'd really like to redesign
Ace of Hearts as well, but I find myself with design block since there are so few good quality pictures of Ace to work with. I'm also still trying to find a way to reconcile my old style with my new style at
Emerald Star. I miss designing one layout per page.
- I am also still waiting to hear back about running the Access Time and Jet Black fanlistings.
Expect more little tweaks to this list throughout the week as I get back into the swing of things.