No, I don't mind at all. As for the Schirmmütze, I would ask what branch service do you want the cap to be from, are you looking for a replica or authenic, and finally how much are you willing to spend? I personally have never dealt with the site you listed, but they may not be a bad idea if you don't have a lot of money to spare and aren't picky about what type of Schirmmütze it is. I typically order from They have a wide selection of cap types. Now they are a bit on the pricey side but you do get what you pay for. They are the people I purchased my uniform from. Also there is While I have never done business with them, their product list is also fairly extensive and I've talked to several people who have purchased items from them and have said they provide great service. In any case, I just wanted to provide you with a few more options. I hope this helps and don't worry about asking me questions via Livejournal, it's what it's there for...among other things. :)
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