(no subject)

Mar 21, 2009 12:20

Dear Melissa,

Sure enough, Percival survived. He's looking a little thirsty after nearly a month without being watered, but a hardy plant like him is bound to pull through after that. My dorm has... let's say it's had a rather crude picture window installed where Mr. Snake's dorm used to be. The space is still perfectly livable, in my opinion. The nights are getting to be quite warm, and one does not mind the elements so much after seven years in the wild. I am, however, enclosing my contest ribbons for safekeeping. It may be a bit strange to do so after keeping them with me while I was living in the Ruins of Alph, but I find I no longer attach much sentimental value to them. Perhaps I never did.

The war ended as I expected. I don't think foresight ever weighed so heavily as it did during the weeks before the war. I'm unsure if it was better to face a creature like Giygas unprepared, or to know it was coming and that you couldn't do a thing about it. There really is no point in knowing what's coming if you're unable to act upon it. I have been little more than a marionette ever since I evolved into a Xatu.

Though I suppose we all are, aren't we? I just happen to be a bit more aware of it than most. Ah... perhaps even saying that is incorrect. I have never deviated from the things I've seen; I don't know what the consequences of doing so would be. Perhaps my future sight only grants me insight to one possible outcome, and acting otherwise will have no negative impact on the timeline whatsoever. On the other hand, surely my kind wouldn't possess such a strong instinct to adhere to our visions unless it had an important evolutionary advantage. Maybe if I'm lucky, this school will one day add a Celebi or Dialga to its roster and I can gain some insight from an expert, so to speak.

The Band of the Hawke has lost a member, but gained several more. Siren has departed, but we have gained a dragon, a chimera, and Scyther. A dear old friend of Lash's has also made an unexpected return from the dead. She's doing quite well, I think. Miss Nell and that young Blue Moon CO have also decided to remain here. I suspect she missed them a lot more than she let on. We'll be having a party to celebrate the return of Lash's friend, Hawke -- it's only fitting that the Band of The Hawke celebrate the appearance of its namesake. It will be nice to get baking again. My dorm still has gas, electricity, and running water; it seems I was quite fortunate compared to my neighbours. Ho-oh's dorm was demolished, and he lost quite a few paintings as well. Quite unfortunate, but I suppose all's well that ends well.

The student dorms fared much better than ours, at any rate. Scyther, Hooktail and Ulty still have a roof over their heads. Scyther... I must confess that the situation is growing complicated. I'm aware that the headmasters are willing to permit student-teacher relationships; our resident Skitty and one of the students are quite a cute couple. Nevertheless, I feel I'm obligated to preserve a degree of professionalism. It simply doesn't feel proper to become romantically involved with one of your students. The difference in our ages is also a rather thorny issue. Frankly, she's almost a decade younger than me. It's... morally questionable of me to feel anything for somebody under eighteen, to say the least. Acting on my feelings would be... exploitative, wouldn't it? She's a very smart girl, and her past has matured her beyond her years, but in many ways she's sheltered to the point of being almost childlike. To say she doesn't know better is patronizing, but the truth of the matter is that love is still a mysterious gray area for her. Regardless of how earnest her own feelings are, the right thing to do would be to distance myself. Lord only knows I have the self-discipline to do so.

However... I haven't spent the past seven years trying to learn how to surpress my emotions. Have you noticed, Melissa? When talking about her, the phrase "my feelings" inevitably comes up. When the Aparoid queen fell and the war came to an end, I smiled at her.

I smiled.

Even I am at a loss. It's rare I'm surprised by anything, let alone myself. The entire situation is... well, one cannot grow without straying from one's comfort zone. I remain uncertain as to how I am to proceed -- it seems selfish to put my own wants before what I know to be the responsible course of action, but I find myself reluctant to take the high road when I seem on the verge of something previously unattainable. Scyther had been nothing but patient; I suspect she's just as unsure as I am about the situation.

At any rate, I simply wished to let you know that I'm safe, and remain

Faithfully yours,



I suppose that we all need some time to recuperate and rebuild after everything that has happened. However, I find writing to be a helpful coping mechanism. Creative Writing students, tell me your opinions. I have been considering starting up optional classes for the next little while. Think of them as free-writing sessions. Any and all writing completed during these classes would not be for credit; if anything, they'll simply be for bonus marks. Perhaps if the weather is pleasant enough and we can find a clear patch of ground, they could be held outside. I have a lot of sun-watching to catch up on, and after weeks of deprivation, I believe we could all use a little sunshine.

dear melissa, creative writing, scyther

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