Aug 26, 2008 01:31

Writing class goes well
But I worry about you.
Teens are so fucked up.

Mental note to self:
Pick a better writing prompt.
Ugh, the stench of angst.

A pound of butter,
Cheerios, milk, poffins,
and conditioner.

No haiku for today, alas. That's my grocery list.

I find myself pleasantly surprised to hear of psychics within our school. I hear there's a student who's telling fortunes for a small fee?
...Well, each of us is welcome to use our gifts as we choose. I suppose bringing peace of mind to those lacking in mental abilities is a noble cause, even if it isn't done out of charity.

Well, I have a class to prepare for. I'd best be off.


This may seem a little bit out of the blue, but I am concerned about one of my students. I was handed in a writing prompt that I found... disturbing, to say the least. I will not disclose what she wrote without her consent, but I am convinced that what she handed in to me was an anecdote, not a work of fiction. Don't ask how I know, because it's people seem to be uncomfortable with psychics who use their powers with... selective discretion.

This student has seen humanity at its ugliest, I have no doubt of that, and it seems to have had a significant negative impact on her.

I do not know if it's my place to be saying so, but it would give me peace of mind if one of you were to schedule an appointment with Miss Scyther.

[[OOC: Strike-haikus are deleted, naturally.]]

the joys of being psychic, scyther

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