Title: Vandal's Cage
Fandom: Persona 3
Characters: Shinjiro Aragaki, Shuji Ikutsuki
Word Count: 377
Comm & Prompt:
78_tarot : King of Cups
Rating: PG13 language
Freedom is a dirty word.
"Ah, Shinjiro-kun. Stick around for a moment." Shuji Ikutsuki's voice drifted over to him, as his hand was on the polished brass of the door, poised to go out. "Tell me, how are you liking living in the dorm again? It feels like I hardly see you in here even though it has again become your home."
Shinjiro grimaced. Damn straight, he made it his priority to be out of this place as much as he could, rather than get roped into more social outings with that group.
"Fine." He answered, still fingering the doorknob.
"It must have been quite the ordeal for you," Ikutsuki continued blithely unaware, "living on the streets. Did you meet any interesting people? Of course, I expect that they would have been very different from the people that you interact with here."
Shinjiro remained silent. What was that guy getting at? It was like he was begging him to mention other punks with Personae over by Que Sera Sera.
Or maybe, Shinjiro reflected, he just hated it when people stuck their noses into his business, trying to pass it off as compassion. Hell, the last thing he wanted from anyone was pity.
"No one stands out after a while." Shinjiro replied, eventually. Ikutsuki seemed pleased.
"Well that's good then. Oh! And I forgot to mention it, but the group will be taking a trip to visit Officer Kurosawa soon." Ikutsuki's smile seemed...a little forced? Damn, what was up with that guy?
"I guess I just didn't want you getting..." the chairman seemed to be having difficulty controlling his facial features, "appre-hend-sive!"
And with that, he exploded into giggles.
"Get it? Apprehensive is nervous, and so 'apprehensive' is apprehensive about being apprehended!" Ikutsuki could barely contained his laughter as he explained.
Shinjiro felt his frown deepen into a grimace as he at last opened the door and stepped out. "I think I'll pass."
It was going to take some kind of miracle to keep him in that dorm. For some reason, he was starting to really hate that man.