Snatched from
Wikipedia's Thailand entry:
September 19, 2006
Even though the Army promised to stay out of politics after the democratic constitution was established, on September 19th, 2006, Army tanks blocked off traffic to the goverment headquarters in Bangkok, and at least 20 soldiers entered the Government House building. An Army TV station was reported to broadcast patriotic music from the times of the military coups and show pictures of the royal family. PM Thaksin Shinawatra, in New York on UN related business, declared Bangkok in a "severe state of emergency", and vowed to return to the country as soon as possible. He also sacked the top army chief, and ordered military forces not to "move illegally" [1] [2].
Reuters News Agency claimed that the Thai Armed Forces chief set up a political "Reform Commission", while army forces and police control the situation in Bangkok. The military later declared martial law, and at 17.46 GMT BBC News reported that the military had revoked the Thai Constitution and suspended Parliament.
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