fuck this is lame

Jul 05, 2004 22:24

Current Music: beast boys
Current Mood: angry
Subject: magaret thatcher
Time: 10:33
last car ride: 20 min ago
last good cry: boys dont cry
last library book checked out: everybody poops
last movie seen: spider man 2 ..YEAAAAH
last book read: stupid house of the spirits needs to burn
last cuss word uttered: FUCK ASS
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: fried chicken
last phone call: maddie
last time bathed: this morning
last shoes worn: white trash flip flops
last cd played: los beastie boys
last item bought: futon ! kick ass !
last annoyance: my family...now
last soda drank: a&w
last thing written: thank you letter...god damn it !
last thing spoken: later
last sleep: 1 hour ago
last ice cream eaten: m&m blizzard
last time amused: when severin beat up that homeless person
last time in love: yeah , never
last time hugged: yesterday
last time scolded: today
last time resentful: now
last chair sat in: shitty foldiing chair
last lipstick used: ummmmmm....
last shirt worn: bitches you know i dont wear shirts.
last thought: man ...i spent way to much time on this piece of shi'ite
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