New Blog

Sep 02, 2008 12:49

I have decided that this journal has run its course. Barely any one reads it, even fewer people comment on it. I do not plan to post on it anymore and will probably not be reading the friends page either. I will refriend people whose LJs I do want to read on my other live journal, lost_in_europe.

Which, also has run its course. I don't think I am lost in europe anymore, and I am tired of the facebook format of things. I probably will still update the lost in europe site now and again, and I definatly will still be using it to read friends LJs.

I am not exiting the online journalling world however, just moving. My new main blog will be at

Its easier to use. Easier to personalize. Easier to post pictures on. You can use your LJ ID to comment on it if you want. I invite everyone who currently reads this to start reading that.

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