Apr 14, 2004 16:47
Everybody needs to have a reality TV show idea, and this is mine.
It's called "Damaged Goods", and it's a dating show.
Here's the idea: a couple goes on a blind date, as usual, except they are hooked up to two machines- one is a polygraph machine, and the other is a stress-level tester, much like they used on that one show 'The Chamber' a few years back, to sense whether the participant is getting freaked out. Now the date becomes a competition as such: it is the object of each of the daters to try to freak the other one out by telling truthful statements about themselves and their pasts. Whoever's stress levels exceed a certain point first loses. If the date continues for 3 hours without such a thing happening, a stalemate is declared. There's an open bar.
So this is how I envision it; two daters have a lovely date in a romantic ambience, except for the wires coming from them, as they sit there and reveal all of their deepest and darkest secrets to one another. After the date is over- regardless of whether or not anybody won- they are disconnected from their wires and forced to go sit in a private room together for half an hour (with a hidden camera), so that the audience can see how they get along after the game. Often times, I expect, they will be so freaked out by each other, and so ashamed of their own revelations, that they can hardly look each other in the eye.
But they DO have the option of going out for another date, which the show will pay for.
Wouldn't that be great?