Sep 20, 2007 21:27
I was at my cousin Annabelle's place a while back and she was telling me about these box things where you can write stuff and it shows up and it's basically like a diary, but with better colours and you don't actually have to worry about quills or parchments or losing them. Apparently it's a really big muggle thing and anyone who's anyone has one. And since I just happen to be an 'anyone,' I asked my mum to buy me one (in pink) so here I am and here this is! I doubt anyone else will have them, which means I can introduce it to everyone, and then I can start a trend, and then they'll stop calling it a "compeweter" and start calling it "The Lavender Brown System."
It came with some booklet the size of Colin Creevey. I would prefer not to read it. I can figure it out myself, anyway! I am an intelligent, resourceful young woman. I can figure it out!
Except I don't know how to navigate off this page or how to sort out my address book, which is apparently the first thing you're supposed to do when you get one of these.
Either way! Today was the Quidditch tryouts. They were all right I suppose, but all the boys kept their shirts on so it wasn't enough to keep me totally interested. One thing I did notice, though, was that Hermione was rather focused on that Cormac fellow (he's rather fit, too, I give him a 7/10) and then after a while he just got sort of confused and went around acting like he was dropped on his head or something to that extent. Now, I don't know why exactly Hermione would want to do something to Cormac to make him act like he had some sort of brain malfunction or why she would be focused on Cormac in the first place, but it's sort of an odd coincidence if you ask me. And then Ronald (9/10) ended up doing pretty good as well, right after Cormac tried biting on his broom. Note to self #1: Find out more. Note to self #2: Find out if Cormac has a girlfriend.
Harry's also been really good at Potions lately, and it's strange because Harry's usually rubbish at everything except for when Hermione is there to whisper the answers. And he actually has started to act like a know-it-all, which is, once again, strange, because he usually doesn't know anything. He's nice and all. Just not the brightest student. Not that I hold that against him, because really, I could care less about what happens with potions or DADA.
All right, I think I'm going to just end it here and finish up one of the essays I have for homework. It's too bad there isn't a way I can type it up on here and just give it to the professor that way. I hate trying to wash off ink from my hands.
is this button here for a reason????