(no subject)

Jul 31, 2006 00:14

oh my god...
after not having a computer for 3 days
i realized...
i've missed a lot of stuff on lj

i've never had to look over more than 20 new friends entries in
quite a long time

i am currently in the process of downloading 
cool edit pro right now...

it is going so slow 


but once it is done... i will more than likely record my new song
god vs. the state of pennsylvania

that is my gift to all you wonderful people who read my journal

a token of not love

but lust...



i am totally not doing what i am supposed to be doing...

i should be doing some studying
but i'm not

right now i am pullin a "C" in my english class :(


i am starting to wonder if i should
spend the money on 
the austin city limits tickets

maybe i should save that 
for something more beneficial to me
like a car

explosions in the sky is way better than a car

and way better than you!

it seems as though i can find heroin and crystal meth 
(no i don't do these drugs)
a lot easier than i can find pot

i mean... nobody really sells pot anymore :(
and if they do you better have a scale
because people try to ass fuck you
and skimp you short
tis' all
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