(no subject)

Jul 26, 2006 01:22

i like that song from 
explosions in the sky that goes
"ding ding dong dung dong ding dong beep bum dong bung deet doop dap doop"
and then the other guitar comes in and goes
diiiiiiing... diiiing doooop booooowp"

anybody else hear that one?

it is my favorite


so anyway... work is going pretty well
this one girl named kelley whom i work with
calls me to come over a lot
we hang out after work and stuff
smoke and stuff

she's cool...


i think i am going to drink houston on friday
and do as the name suggests

so that means this friday...
right after work...
i am goin shopping!

i get paid and i have a credit card!

can anybody say credit card debt?
i am gonna look fly!

austin city limits is in september
i am ready

i have been looking around for a new guitar
i don't know what would suit my sound the best

can someone please give me advice as to what would be
best for me?

i know plenty of people on my friends list who 
would know all about that stuff
so help me out

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