I will do surveys now...and you will like it.

Oct 28, 2003 10:17

Who is your best friend?: Hmm...Brad, Jamie, and Elissa?
Who can you trust?: Brad, Jamie, Elissa, my mom
Who is the funnest person?: in general? Brad
Who is the shyest person?: Me
Who is the sexiest person?: Brad
Who is the meanest person?: Me or Jamie
Who is your crush?: Brad
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Husband=Brad
Who can you not stand?: Muhahaha...lots of people
Who is tolerable?: Some people
Who do you want to hurt?: Again...lots of people
Who was your first sex partner?: Shawn
Who was your most recent sex partner?: Brad
Who do you go to for advice?: Nobody....sometimes Jamie I guess
Who do you talk to most?: Brad, Malachy and Jamie
Who do you love?: Brad and Malachy and my Family
Who looks most like you?: Nobody
Who do you get in the most trouble with?: Joanne, Elissa or Jamie
Who is a party animal?: Me
Who needs to get a life?: Lots of people

I am: not a douche bag
I want: 3 people...if you go by the 3 kill rule
I want to be: financially secure
I need: smoke a cigarette
I love: Brad, Malachy and my family
I like: drink beer
I hate: a lot of people places and things...a lot of nouns
I feel: fine for it being 10:22 am
I wanna feel: drunk? Off of work?
I have: to finally dye my hair today
I am: going to dye my hair today
I have to be: at the supermarket soon to get hair dye and formula
I have 2 be that way cuz: my hair needs to be dyed in the yearly cold weather hair dying ritual
I describe myself as: a motherfucken asshole, but cool at the same time
I wanna describe myself as: rich

is your best friend?: Brad
is your partner in crime?: Jamie
the most trustworthy person you know?: hahaha....I dunno...not NIEMAN
is your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Husband=Brad
is your closest friend?: Brad, Elissa, Jamie
is your seatmate?: in the car? Brad and Malachy?
is your worst enemy?: My worst enemy? I have an arch nemesis...
do you think is annoying?: tons of people
do you think is stupid?: see above
is your best friend in the opposite sex?: Brad
is fun to be with?: lots of people
do you want to kill right now?: Right now? Nobody
is the funniest person?: Brad
is the craziest person?: Brad or John

College you currently/plan to attend: Fuck higher education...you can wipe yer ass w/ that degree...I'll see you at McDonalds in 4 years.
Favorite band: Many
Cheech or Chong?: Cheech
Metallica - yes or no?: Si
It's Lars, isn't it?: I despise Lars
Random palindrome: poop
Who's Chino Marino?: I know who Dan Marino is.
What does CCR stand for?: MOTHERFUCKEN Creedence Clearwater Revival....Bitch.
Virgin?: why?
Favorite Author: Bill O'Reilly
Dave Matthews Band- yes or no?: NO!
Will I hold you again?: Not likely
eBay - like or dislike?: Love
What does CPR stand for?: CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
Hank Williams, Sr. or Hank Williams, Jr.?: Hank Senior....
Favorite color(s): Black and Red...like my kitchen and dishes
Favorite CD: many
Clear or white glue?: white
Favorite food: Pizza
Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore?: Carnivore
Republican or Democrat?: A little of this a little of that...but mostly to the right
What do you want to do for a living?: Beer taster
Do you like our current president?: He's better than Clinton
Turn-on(s): Yuengling and Brad
When do you want to get married?: Um, January 18th, 2003?
Do you love them?: Yes
Why?: Just because
Do you smoke?: All the time
Turn-off(s): Hmm....not much

Section One
What is your legal name?: Catherine Patricia Magner
Nicknames?: Kitty
Name you wish you had?:
Birth Day?: July 28th, 1979
What time were you born?: around 10 am
Zodiac Sign?: LEO
Section 2: favorites
Band?: many
Rap artist?: Celph Titled
Pop princess?: haha, Jessica Simpson, because her show's funny
Boy band?: none
Instrument to play?: tenor sax
Person in the band?: drummer
Food?: pizza
Ice Cream Flavor?: i dislike ice cream
Sex position (haha)?: Um...none of yer beeswax
Section 3: How bored are you?
If you were bored enough to lick a wall, would you do it?: no
How long have you been sitting at the computer?: 10 minutes
Have any body parts fallen asleep while sitting there?: no
Have YOU fallen asleep while sitting there?: no
What time is it?: 10:34 am
What time should you have gotten off the computer before it was too late?: Um, no time?
Am I an idiot, or are you the idiot?: you are
Ok I'm done....: wonderful
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