Day off.

Oct 16, 2002 13:01

Yes, so we may be going to that show on Friday. I'll find out today if jamie and them are gonna go.

1) Single or Taken: Taken
2) Sex: Female
3) Birthday: July 28th
4) Sign: Leo
5) Siblings: Jamie and Ricky
6) Hair color: Black
7) Eye color: Blue
8) Shoe size/height: 9/5'8"
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
1) Who are your best friends?: Brad.
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes.

F a s h i o n S t u f f
1) Where is your favorite place to shop? Haha, Target(10% discount, bitch)
2) Any tattoos or piercings? 6 tattoos, 1 piercing

T h e E x t r a S t u f f
1) Do you do drugs: Not really.
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: Suave.
3) What are you most scared of: Um, Not being able to pay my bills.
4) What are you listening to right now: Channel 29
5) What vehicle do you wish to have? '65 GTO
6.) Who is the last person that called you: Elissa
7.) Where do you want to get married: Vegas
8) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: 6 out of 52
9)If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I'd be thinner with lots more $

F a v o r I t e s
1) Color: Black
2) Whats your fav. food?: Seafood, I guess.
4) Boy's names: Seamus, Malachy
5) Girls names: Bronx
6) Subjects in school: Art.
7) Animals: Cats
8) Sports: Hockey

H a v e Y o u E v e r
1) Given anyone a bath: Not that i recall
2) Smoked: haha, I'm a chain smoker
3) Bungee jumped: Nah.
4) Broken the law: Yes
5) Made yourself throw-up: Yes, but only on that rare occasion that I'm WAAAYYYY too drunk
6) Went skinny dipping? Nah.
7) Ever been in love: Yes
8) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Hell No

What C o m e s T o M i n d
1)Red: Blood, shirts that brad has to wear to work(Target)
2)Cow tipping: Hillbillys and rednecks
3)Socks: I need more
4)Greenland: I want to go to ireland, fuck Greenland
w h a t ' s w o r s e ?
1) Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you? Both are equally funny and disgusting

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1) Do you like filling these out: I LOVE filling them out
4) Gold or Silver: Silver
5) What is the last film you saw at the movies: Rules of Attraction, last night
6) Favorite cartoon character: FogHorn LegHorn
7) What do you have for breakfast in the morning: Diet Coke and Marlboro Menthol Lights
8) Who would you love being locked in a room with: plenty of Vinyl, a record player w/ a nice needle, unlimited smokes, and tons of diet coke.
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