"get in the car, and don't touch nothin, sit in the car..."

Oct 07, 2002 19:17

Yeah, ok, so I have a question for anyone reading this? Do you find the new Missy Elliot song as vomit-inducing as I do? I mean, some of the fucken lyrics are disgusting. For example-"...go downtown, and eat it like a vulture", "Call me b4 you come over so I can SHAVE my cha cha", "Take off my thong and see my tail go". I mean, what the fucking hell is this fat bitch thinking? She's nasty as hell. I don't want to hear about her fat ass shaving her "Cha Cha"(although, so girls should take this advice AHEM AHEM). Anyways, it's obvious that she's a sickie. On another topic, this Crazy ass bitch that i was cool with in high school(and whom also had a nervous breakdown 2 years ago and is Inbred on top of that) thinks that I'm "out to get her". Elissa talked to this bitch Kate Lynch, and Kate said that this girl has gone completely and totally crazy, I mean, crazier than a shithouse rat, and thinks that people she used to be cool w/ are out to get her. I guess I'm one of them, because everytime i see her driving or whatever, when I'm working and shit, she feels the need to give me the finger. Now, keep in mind that i have not spoken to this Crazy in well over 4 years, because i always knew she was a fucken nut, but now all of a sudden, she thinks I'm after her. So, that's fun. And speaking of INBRED, I'm gonna kill a certain cat that is anti-litterbox, and it ain't my boy Mr. Wrinkles. Aight, I gotta go get Bradley from work.
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