May 23, 2005 12:15
I dont think I could ever go back to being ((just friends)) with him
Because ((just friends)) means no more cuddling
and I love the way -i fit so perfect in his arms-
((just friends)) also means no more hand holding
and i love the way -my hand fits in his-
and ((just friends)) means no more kissing
and when I -kiss- him
for just that OnE SEcoNd
my mind *goes blank* and the world
for once, it *stops spinning*
and as quick as that -kiss- started, its over.
~bUt iT's FUnnY~
Because when our l i p s touch
It's like...that's the way we were MEANT TO BE
And if were to lose that...
I'd be losing my -abSOluTE-
e v e r y t h i n g
I want that guy. The one that would wake me up in the middle of the night just to ask me what I was
d r e a m i n g
I wanna be [ the girl ] you point to and -tell your friends- Thats her. Thats my girl. [ And I love her ]
Hope is an anchor, and love is a ship
Time is the ocean and life is a trip
831-8 letters-3 words-1 meaning-i love you
im soooo if anyone ever wants to do anything give me a ring...