The plight of a good girl

Jul 21, 2007 01:11

This is the plight of the good girl. Every guy says, "I just wish I could meet a 'good girl'". But when said guy, call him Ted, meets said good girl, Tina, and finds out her morals, way of life, whatever, he's no longer interested b/c he knows he won't get any. Now some girls will say the same thing, "I just want a good guy" when they don't really. I do want a "good guy" I don't care about looks except for teeth and weight. And height I guess. I'm, 5'2" so it would be nice for some one to be taller. As far as weight goes, just healthy is great. Anyway, I'm a "good girl" so I know the second sentence to be true and quite disheartening. I test people, like Ted, until they ask what I believe and when I tell them, I get, "oh that's admirable" and the sparkle in their eyes disappears. So sad but so low at the same time. Yes I realize it's very hard not to preserve yourself but it's called discipline and takes a lot of faith. However, the majority of girls out there have no problem with not waiting. So pick one of those. I'm probably one in a million, it's my decision, and I’m proud of it. I'm just saying, guys, stop fooling yourself. The majority of you don't really want a good girl and you probably don't even have the discipline and faith it takes to keep one.

So that's my rant of the day. I went to sleep at 8 on the couch and woke up an hour ago. I made myself a really good dinner though. Baked chicken with wishbone dressing, garlic powder, and cracked black pepper, a baked potato in the oven, fresh asparagus, and rolls. It was yummy. I resigned my lease earlier today. My rent is going up by almost $100. But I’m getting a little bit of a break since I went to UA and all ;) I want one of those boxes Brooke, my bag had peanut everything in it and I’m allergic + I like the boxes. If it goes up again next year, I’ll have to move or get a roomie. Or maybe I’ll be married! Haha, jk :) My dad is coming tomorrow with Lillian! I miss my puppy. She doesn't need to be running around the yard anymore b/c she has such bad knees (it's a shi-tzu thing). He wants to see this exhibit at Emory. He takes forever in museums. I just go through but he and my mom like to stop and read everything. I'll probably bring a book and read on Emory's poor excuse of a quad.
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