Oct 09, 2004 01:56
I thought some of you austin geeks might enjoy this. It's an interview with Joe Lo Truglio from the State, or "the guy in the van who freaks out that Victor is a virgin in wet hot american summer." Enjoy, oh and go see I Heart Huckabees for the sake of flipper babies.
"kp: Kris B. wants to know if you remember playing pinball with her at Emo's in Austin about 10 years ago.
jlt: I definitely remember Emo's. I love Austin. Showalter, Black, Marino and I drove cross country in '94, after the second season of The State just started to air. Emo's was where I first had Shiner Bock. I vaguely remember the pinball game. We met really cool people, I’m sure Kris was one of them. There was a girl named Shauna or Shaney who kept doing buttery nipple shots (I don't know, what's that? Kahlua, Baileys, Butterscotch goo?) with Show and I. When we finally left Austin, it was from Emo's at three in the morning.
kp: Let's talk about our adventures in TO LIFE! How scared were you in the car?
jlt: It's funny you asked this question after your one about Austin, because hours after we left Emo's, Black fell asleep behind the wheel. I neglected my proper "shotgun" duty of keeping the driver awake, and we all drove off the road at 70mph in a 15 passenger van and almost died. "