Jul 14, 2004 18:15
So, my boss at the comedy club calls me today and says "Hey, Harris I have to take you off the schedule in August," and I was like "Why? Did I do something wrong? Am I beign fired?" and he says "No, but I'm having you open for Bobby Slayton."
For those of you that aren't standup comedy aficianados, bobby slayton is a very good comedian who is very respected in the comedy world. He played "Slayton" on the HBO show "Mind of a Married Man." Our club has a policy that once you start doing comedy there, you cant work there.
This tranaslates to me being very happy and this being veryyyy good news. This summer has been amazing. I have been deemed third funniest person in houston and now get to open for six shows in august. It sucks that I have to go back to boston and start all over again. Oh well.
Oh, and girls are crazy and are slowly making me want to be gay.